The Technology Book for Girls
Kids Can Press, 2001
Think technology is only for astronauts and engineers? Think again. Whether you’re zapping your TV with the remote, scanning bar codes at the store or chatting on the phone, technology is making it happen. Try the fun, interactive activities in this book and discover how everyday technology works. You’ll learn how infrared light opens automatic doors like magic. You’ll discover how light travels through fiber-optic cables. You’ll even test the power of radio waves inside a microwave oven.
“Opening our eyes to exciting new technologies that shape our daily lives, this book is a great discovery for both youth and adults.”
— Dr. Roberta Bondar, Scientist, astronaut, physician, photographer
“The Technology Book for Girls and Other Advanced Beings is an important book for any school, public or home library. Brains will be exercised. Exciting new technologies will be discovered. Different career paths in technology or science or engineering just might be explored whether the reader is female, male, young or not-so-young!”
4/4 stars Highly Recommended
— Canadian Materials